College of Education and Human Services

You are needed by future generations of educators and human service professionals. The college seeks to celebrate, educate, and encourage understanding of different identities, abilities and experiences on our campus and beyond. We aim to create an atmosphere that provides students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends the opportunity to explore different cultures, commit to learning for all abilities, engage in discussions that bring new perspectives, and celebrate the presence of, and contributions made by, people of all identities, abilities and experiences. 

 A gift today to support the Education Diversity Initiative or the Human Service Professional Diversity Initiative will go far in recruiting and retaining talented and deserving students. Act now!

 Support with a recurring gift. We invite you to take advantage of the “give a latte, get a latte challenge” by supporting students in the college this month and in upcoming months with a $5 gift each month.    

 Support with a transformational gift. We welcome substantial gifts to the college to help support student scholarships and fellowships. These long-term scholarships and fellowships may be awarded in your name or the name of someone you wish to honor. Establishing a named scholarship or fellowship tells students that they are receiving support from a CEHS Champion — with the same hopes, dreams and sacrifices. In addition, it grows our culture of giving that will inspire future generations of educators and human service professionals to give back. This way, your donation keeps on giving long into the future.  For more information on how to establish a transformational gift, please contact Yanira Amadeo, Director of Development at

With Gratitude,

Katrina Bulkley

Acting Dean

Faculty Staff Donor Challenge - Richard Abrams
The fund with the most faculty staff donors will receive an additional $1,000 from University friend, Rich Abrams
Let's Get Started Early - Jerry Appelstein Challenge
Our first $10,000 raised will unlock $20,000 from Jerry Appelstein
$10,000 / $10,000 Raised
Fred Bednarek '59 Challenge
Challenge gift of $34,000 unlocked
Parent Donor Challenge
$2500 unlocked
20 / 20 Donors
Fund Donor Leaderboard
Which University Fund is getting the most participation?
Rank Fund Designation Donors
1 Men's Basketball 294
2 Women's Basketball 288
3 The Fund for Montclair State 147
4 Swimming and Diving 66
5 Women's Soccer 45
Show 5 More
Fund Dollar Leaderboard
Which fund has raised the most dollars on One Day for Montclair
Rank Prize Department Raised
1 $1 Women's Basketball $13,891.02
2 Men's Basketball $10,148.00
3 The Fund for Montclair State $8,586.02
4 College of the Arts $7,534.94
5 Swimming and Diving $6,510.25
Show 5 More
Alumni Donor Challenge
$10,000 will be unlocked
44 / 44 Donors
Judy Graef '66 Twilight Challenge
Get to 20 donors, unlock $8,000 during twilight hours
20 / 20 Donors
Recent Graduate Donor Challenge
$1,000 is unlocked with 10 recent graduate donors
10 / 10 Donors
Transforming Every Day by Decade for One Day
Which decade's graduates are all in for One Day?
What decade did you graduate?
Rank Answer Donors
1 2010-2019 71
2 1990-1999 59
3 2000-2009 45
4 1970-1979 30
5 1980-1989 30
6 2020 and 2021 23
7 1960-1969 17
8 1959 and before 2
Show 3 More
See what people are sharing about One Day for Montclair!
Donor map
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0VTNHMARICTNJDEMDDC
27 Gifts
Rank State Gifts
1 NJ 27
2 NY 5
3 AA 0
Don't forget to share!

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