College of Science and Mathematics

As Dean of the College of Science and Mathematics (CSAM), it is my privilege to connect with alumni and friends to share how we are empowering students to make the most of their education.

Thanks to your support and generosity, Montclair State University continues to meet the needs of its very deserving, and hard-working students. Your gift will help us provide:

  • Experiential Learning opportunities, hands-on experiences that support deeper learning and lead students to identify their academic passions (CSAM Student Experiential Learning Fund, or CSAM SELF)
  • Scholarship support which, for CSAM students, is especially helpful to balance working to pay for school and necessary study time

Please consider supporting one of these initiatives on Giving Day this year!

With thanks,

Lora Billings

Dean, College of Science and Mathematics

Let's get started early - Manny '61 and Meg Scrofani Challenge
Raise $10,000 to unlock $20,000!!
$10,000 / $10,000 Raised
Alumni Donor Challenge
We need fifty alumni donors to unlock $10,000 from an anonymous alumna from the Class of 1950.
50 / 50 Donors
Recent Graduate - Robert Lieberman Challenge
Hit 50 recent graduate donors (Class of 2013-2023) to unlock $1,000 from Foundation Board member, Robert Lieberman
50 / 50 Donors
Fund Donor Leaderboard
Which University Fund is getting the most participation?
Rank Department Donors
1 Women's Basketball 223
2 Women's Soccer 164
3 Football 149
4 Men's Basketball 120
5 Swimming and Diving 62
Who's going all in for One Day for Montclair?
The entire Montclair community of alumni, students, parents, faculty, staff, and friends coming together. Let's see who's going all in for One Day and transforming every day!
What is your relationship to Montclair State University?
Rank Answer Amount
1 Alumni $56,118.52
2 Parent $26,880.49
3 Friend $26,518.23
4 Faculty/Staff $23,954.84
5 Student $8,553.27
Faculty Staff Donor Challenge
50 faculty/staff to make a gift by 12noon, we will unlock $12,000 from a former faculty/staff member (anonymous)
50 / 50 Donors
College of Science and Mathematics Match Challenge
Raise $1,000 to CSAM and unlock $1,000 from Judith Melillo '67
$1,000 MATCHED
Twilight Donor - Teddi Dolph Challenge
Beginning 6:00 p.m. through midnight - get to 20 donors to unlock $10,000"
20 / 20 Donors
Fund Dollar Leaderboard
Which fund has raised the most dollars on One Day for Montclair
Rank Prize Department Raised
1 $1 The Fund for Montclair State $15,741.80
2 Women's Basketball $11,831.21
3 College of Education and Human Services $9,707.69
4 School of Communication and Media $9,085.00
5 Football $8,389.85
Transforming Every Day by Decade for One Day
Which decade's graduates are all in for One Day?
What decade did you graduate?
Rank Answer Donors
1 2010-2019 83
2 2000-2009 56
3 2020-2022 41
4 1980-1989 33
5 1990-1999 31
6 1970-1979 25
7 1960-1969 9
8 1959 and before 3
See what people are sharing about One Day for Montclair 2023!
Donor map
Rank State Gifts
1 NJ 8
2 NC 1
3 AA 0
Don't forget to share!

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